Gazelle’s Guide to a Self-Quarantined Backyard Workout [VIDEO]
The day I've been dreading has finally hit the SouthCoast.
In this time of the COVID-19 coronavirus, after the whole "no establishment should have more than 10 people gathered around each other at once" was enforced by President Trump, my heart immediately sunk.
"How the heck am I supposed to work out at the gym now?" I pondered.
Right away, I knew that this whole "quarantine" rule was going to be a rough one and a one-way ticket to weight gain. I had to come up with a solution, and quickly.
Outside, I discovered a pretty useful junk collection composed of car parts, wooden pallets and empty kegs. If there was a way to string together some type of outdoor workout, it was within this pile of recycled treasure.
Within the wreckage, there was an old rusty trailer axle with the tire still attached. This was perfect for isolated shoulder presses or push-jerks (a combination of a quarter-squat dip with a thrust upward):
The next exercise requires a large tractor tire for flipping purposes only. This will ignite your glutes and give you a full-body pump each time the tire gets flipped (warning, your hands WILL get muddy):
Step 3 to a well-rounded backyard workout involves a couple of concrete cinder blocks. These will be used for either farmer-walks or suitcase-carries. The difference: one calls for two blocks (one per hand) while the other calls for one (both hands hold one):
In between these movements, add in some push-ups and air squats to offset the weight distribution while lifting junkyard parts. Pro tip: use an old rag or towel to keep from slipping in the mud.
This workout is recommended to be done with a partner, so while one person is running through each exercise, the other is holding a plank until their partner has completed all five exercises. Pro tip: the "planker" can choose between hand or elbow planks, depending on skill level.
Once everything is completed, the workout should look like the following. This video was filmed as a time-lapse to show the complete workout in a short period of time. The estimated workout should take an average of 15-20 minutes depending on skill level.