Can We All Be Grateful That There’s No More Clown Sightings?
One year ago the Southcoast and the country were dealing with a bit of a clown issue. Now that they've finally escaped our nightmares let's take a look back
One year ago to this day was the first clown sighting on the Southcoast. The clown in question was spotted in the Swansea Mall parking lot staring creepily at the cars that pass by. This, of course, sent the whole Southcoast into a panic, summarized below:
These clowns were cause for concern for all of the month of October, with multiple police departments releasing statements regarding these balloon blowing baddies. There was even a brave man who dressed himself as Batman to help fend off the evil lurking on the streets of Gotham the Southcoast.
Fast forward one year later and the scary clowns from the streets are now on our movie screens, thank god. Stephen King's 2017 "IT" remake benefited tremendously from this unusual instance, making the whole nation remember again just how creepy clowns really are.
So let's just take a step back. There's a lot of upsetting news going around recently, but at least we can take the small victory that we're no longer afraid of circuses (for the most part).