Bridgewater-Raynham Introduces New Senior Sail
Did I spend a little more than I anticipated at Senior Prom? Yes. Am I still happy that I attended and had a great night with my friends? Absolutely. Sure, it was a little expensive, but it was literally a once in a lifetime kinda thing. No regrets, except maybe the bright pink A-line dress I wore and even then, I still looked good.
So, I can’t help but wonder why Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School would take away that experience for the seniors of 2019.
According to CBS Boston, the “traditional rite of passage for seniors will be replaced with something called ‘Senior Sail,’ a Boston Harbor cruise, which will be semi-formal instead of formal like the prom is.”
Proms can be VERY expensive for parents and kids. Bridgewater-Raynham Principal, Angela Watson is sympathetic to the extreme expenses that comes with a traditional senior prom, such as renting a tux, or purchasing long gowns. Not to mention the cost of hair, makeup or transportation, as some opt for a limo.
Principal Watson has explained that the kids will be dressed appropriately in khakis, polo shirts, cocktail dresses, sundresses, and flip flops.
For those who are seriously bummed about the change in plans, Watson says, ‘We’re putting students on a yacht, in Boston, it’s going to be absolutely gorgeous.” Maybe don't spend a small fortune on getting your hair done since the wind may destroy it within the first hour. I hope the seniors of 2019 still have a great time celebrating with their classmates, as this is one of the last times you'll be together.
Dartmouth High School had ‘After Prom’ for us, and the Bridgewater-Raynham seniors of 2019 will have “Senior Lock-In,” which is their version of the chaperone-supervised after party to lock kids in the school so nobody is driving too late. Possibly one of my favorite memories from high school, so make the most of it!
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