Watch Melissa’s Audition For The WPRI Rhode Show
Early in the month I decided to go to the live auditions for the Rhode Show, held at Mohegan Sun to try my luck at accomplishing one of my career dreams.
Since then my live audition has been posted onto the and if my audition is one of the most viewed I will be able to stay in the running for the grand prize of a year contract as a co host along side Will and on the Rhode Show!
Going to the live audition for the Rhode Show gave me a lot of nerves, even though you hear me broadcasting with Scott and BJ during the night show on Fun 107, there isn't a camera pointed directly at my face.
For many people to view my every move but eventually, moving onto broadcasting entertainment live is my ultimate goal for my career so I swallowed down my nerves,put on some make up,and smiled pretty for the camera in hopes to be able to charm the producers with my energetic personality.
I would greatly appreciate all to please watch my audition video to help keep me in the running to possibly achieve my ultimate career goal (you must watch the video in order for it to be considered as a"view"). Thanks!