The 5 Things You Feel When a Major Celeb Couple Breaks Up [GIFS]
All the feels, as told by Michael Cera .gifs.
Shock: Mostly because you've spent too much brain power to figure out if TMZ was accurate or not. And then when Huffpost and other credible sources confirm...
Suspicious: Because as much as we don't care who cheated on who or what happened, we sort of do care. So we need to know. And we have questions.
Interested-but-Pretending-Not-To-Be: Sure, you and your office mate have nonchalantly been rambling off what media sources are confirming the split, but you don't really care. Or do you? Act natural, everyone.
Slightly Nervous: Nothing says "lets think about our own personal relationships" like another couple (famous or not, cause they're just people too, right?) calling it quits.
Exhausted: You've now read 12 articles, had a water cooler convo and checked both party's Instagram and Twitter accounts. That's a lot of research for SOMEONE ELSE'S divorce. But it had to be done.