Half-Naked Julian Edelman Photo Repeatedly Stolen From Massachusetts Restroom
It has happened again.
For the sixth time, a picture of a half-naked Julian Edelman has been stolen from the Rumbleseat Bar and Grill in Chicopee. The photo isn't hanging on the wall of the dining room like many sports bars might have it. The picture isn't even of the famed Julian Edelman catch against the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI.
Instead, it's a rather revealing picture of the former Patriots wide receiver out of uniform. It was one of a number of similarly themed photos of athletes that hang in the ladies' room of the bar.
"I like to give the ladies something to look at as they get cleaned up," restaurant owner Billy Stetson said.
Stetson doesn't seem to mind too much that Edelman has gone missing again. "It's all in good fun," he said.
This time, Stetson said the thief actually broke the glass to get the picture out of the frame.
"The pictures had been taken so many times I decided to screw the frame right into the wall, but that didn't ... stop them. We've had a lot of fun with this bathroom over the past seven or eight years since we've redone it."
Stetson said he's not sure how he's going to secure Edelman better next time.
"I've got to get him back up there, though," he said. "He's a favorite with the ladies."
The ladies' room is covered with half-clothed athletes such as Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham and Rafael Nadal. There's also a life-sized photo of Edelman wearing nothing but his underwear on the back of the ladies' room door.
Apparently, some of the most important parts of that poster have also been removed.
"The girls get a little crazy," Stetson said.
Ronaldo, Brady and Nadal have also been stolen over the years, but not nearly as often as Edelman.