When Goodbye's become difficult, focus on the memories.Instead of talking to you, the reader/listener, I'd like to focus the attention of this article to Christine, herself.

Christine, it's been a hell of a ride these past couple of years and I wouldn't trade the time spent together for anything. Waking up at the crack of dawn is never easy, but when you open your eyes in the morning and the first thing you realize is that you get to work besides people you love, it makes getting out of bed an ease!

Whether the mics were on or off, we always seemed to entertain each other with our life stories. I loved making you laugh and teaching you the "Hip Slang" of today, haha! Monday's were the best with weekend stories and you looked forawrd to hearing them as much as I looked forward to sharing them with you.

You were more than just a co-worker or a "mother-figure" to me... you were a close friend who I loved talking to.

Wherever you go in life, please always keep in touch. Afterall, who else am I going to vent to about my life problems?! 😂

I know this isn't Goodbye... but I will miss you, dearly. Best of luck and feel free to bring me cookies!


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