Baffling New Bedford Finger Bite Leaves a Mark and Unanswered Questions
I'm reaching out for assistance with a puzzling incident.
During a family lunch on Easter, my wife and I found ourselves unprepared for guests to linger on our deck due to the patio furniture still being stored away. In a rush to accommodate everyone, I scrambled to gather chairs.
While underneath the deck arranging chairs, I was suddenly startled by a sharp pain on my left pinky finger. It became apparent that I had been bitten by something small and mysterious, leaving me bewildered about its identity. Initially, I suspected a rat or snake, but upon further investigation, the bite marks didn't seem to match those of either creature.
The marks on my finger appear almost human-like, with distinct upper and lower markings, albeit small. Unlike the single puncture mark left by a mouse or rat, or the two small, circular puncture marks typically associated with a snake bite, the marks on my finger puzzled me. Notably, it couldn't have been caused by a spider or insect, either.
Upon revisiting the area beneath the deck to investigate, it became evident that whatever had bitten me had either fled or was adept at hiding. Considering that the area is relatively clean and open, and I live in the city and not the woods, I am perplexed about what could have possibly bitten me.
If anyone could provide insight, I'd be grateful. Email
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