Five Year Old Hacks Into Dad’s XBox One
All video game consoles from companies like Sony and Microsoft try to take security into effect right? Sony had an issue a few years back where their Playstation Network got hacked, now Microsoft is having an issue, with a five year old, who managed to hack into his dad's Xbox One account to play more mature games.
According to KGTV, Kristoffer Von Hassel figured out a few taps on the controller's space bar was all it took to backdoor the gaming system's allegedly vaunted security. What's funny is, his Dad is a computer security expert, so now that his son is following in his footsteps, he posted video to Microsoft.
Microsoft has since fixed the glitch, named 5 year old Von Hassel a "Security Researcher," and rewarded the little guy with a year of Xbox Live, four games and $50, until the little guy can figure out a way to get more for free.