
ISIS and Video Games
ISIS and Video Games
ISIS and Video Games
Some people blame school shootings and other heinous acts with guns on violent video games. But it may surprise you to learn that terrorist attacks may be planned by using the same kind of Playstation 4 or XBox One that sits in your living room right now...
Latest Security Breach
Latest Security Breach
Latest Security Breach
Microsoft announced Sunday that there is a flaw in Internet Explorer that could allow hackers information to millions of web users, specifically users who are still operating under Windows XP. Time Magazine has reported that versions 6 to 11 of Internet Explorer are at risk for releasing data to data thieves at the same level as the actual user...
Five Year Old Hacks Into Dad’s XBox One
Five Year Old Hacks Into Dad’s XBox One
Five Year Old Hacks Into Dad’s XBox One
All video game consoles from companies like Sony and Microsoft try to take security into effect right? Sony had an issue a few years back where their Playstation Network got hacked, now Microsoft is having an issue, with a five year old, who managed to hack into his dad's Xbox One account to play more mature games.
Google Is Developing An Android Game Console
Google Is Developing An Android Game Console
Google Is Developing An Android Game Console
With the introduction of the Sony Playstation 4, and XBox One game consoles that will be out later in the year, Google has decided to jump on the video game console bandwagon.