Caffeine Headaches Give Decaf Coffee Life
Who still drinks decaf? ME.
In a social media era driven by memes, I’ve seen one meme in particular too much to not respond at this point.
“Who the heck drinks decaf?” “What’s the point of decaf?” “If you drink decaf you're weird!”
First off, harsh. Secondly, not true. I drink decaf coffee every single day (not an exaggeration), and I actually drink more decaf coffee than I do caffeinated. Most days I have one cup of caffeinated coffee and two cups of decaf, and the obvious question is why?
Caffeine headaches.
I learned young, my mom drinks at least four cups of coffee a day and even at one point was so addicted she had to drink it to go to bed and she would still wake up with a headache until she had that morning cup of coffee.
Like most kids, I wanted to be like mom and started drinking coffee at a young age, not a big deal to me – although, I started to get these headaches directly related to caffeine consumption until I tried to take a new approach without getting rid of coffee. Slowly but surely, I went from three cups a day to two and a half (as the other half was decaf), then to two cups regular, one decaf, and now to my perfect no-headache ratio of 1:2.
Now, this is a total guess, but to anyone who deals with caffeine headaches, or even if you don't think you have a caffeine dependence (you'll quickly find out by abstaining from all caffeine for a day), try my method. I hope it brings you the same success it's brought me, and more importantly, I hope next time you see a decaf coffee meme, you decline to share.