“#X” Could Help Against Distracted Driving
Texting and driving is still a very big problem on the roads we all drive on every single day.
I don't notice it as much when I'm in the drivers seat, because I'm driving obviously, but as a passenger, it's absolutely terrifying how many people I see in other cars texting while driving! I see them driving below the speed limit, I see them swerving. It's insane and it's so incredibly unsafe for them and everyone else on the road around them!
I understand that when someone hears their phone beep, buzz or ring, their initial reaction is to respond to that. However, when you're driving, you just can't. I turn the volume completely off on my phone while I'm driving, so even if an email/text/snapchat etc. comes through, I don't know about it until I'm parked. It's the best way I can think of, besides turning the phone off, but I don't want to do that in case of emergencies.
Well, there's another way to cut down on distracted driving. Hashtag X. It's a real thing, a movement, and it means 'Hey, I'm checking out right now because I'm driving.' Before you put that car in drive, halt whatever convo you have going on in text with a "#X" and that tells whoever you're talking to that you are not ignoring their responses, but you're driving and can't answer them right then.
Hashtag X (#X) won't work if no one knows about it though, so pass it along to your friends, family, co-workers, etc. Just make sure you do it before you get on the road and start driving!