Will Patriots Fans Cheer for Tom Brady Playing on Another Team? [POLL]
A flurry of stories dropped this morning, some by national media, about Tom Brady's plans for the 2020 season. The most detailed and disturbing report came from CBS Sports, who claims that multiple sources close to Brady believe that TB12 is leaning towards the San Diego Chargers if he leaves the Patriots next season.
Conversations about Brady leaving the team have been so frequent and detailed this week that it got me wondering--would Patriots fans cheer for Brady on another team? I also wondered if Patriots fans would rather see Brady retire than play for another team.
Personally, I'm very torn by the second question. While I THINK I lean more towards preferring that Brady retires a Patriot, I KNOW that I would absolutely cheer Brady on another team. No question about it. That would be the first and only Boston athlete that I'd feel that way about. Tom has accomplished so much for the Patriots and brought so much joy and entertainment to New England, that he is now bigger than the team. I don't THINK I'd cheer against the Patriots if they went head to head with Brady (although I MIGHT).
It really is an interesting question, though. I think I'd rather get an extra couple of years watching my favorite football player of all time play for a team other than the Patriots, than see him retire the way Gronk did. Think about the amount of denial Patriots fans still carry that Gronk is retired. That is a bite-sized sample of what's to come if Brady retires at the end of this season.