Three Inspirational Quotes That Actually Resonate
We all have bad days, and some are worse than others. Personally, my anxiety gets in the way sometimes, and there are days where I feel like I do everything wrong. Have you ever felt this way?
In my life, I have come across incredible people that have pulled me up from a dark place and helped me see the light, and if you have ever felt stuck, lost, or down as I have, I want to share with you my three favorite inspirational quotes of all time.
“Burn the ships.”
My martial arts instructor told me a story about Captain Hernán Cortés, who landed in Veracruz to begin his great conquest. Upon arriving, he gave the order to his men to burn the ships. Without a return home, they were forced to fight for their lives. Point being, when you second-guess yourself or make excuses to not give it your everything, you will never find your true potential. So burn the ships and go for it.
“Never ask for a lighter load, ask for a heavier back.”
Another gem taught to me by my martial arts instructor. He taught me that everyone has a burden to bear, but it’s the way you handle that burden that defines your character. Sometimes there are situations that are out of our control, but what you can control is how to respond to it.
“Not everyone is going to be Team Maddie, but find your team, and hold them close.”
My mom told me this when I was 20 years old and it has stuck with me ever since. I received my first “big girl” job when I was 20, and I was faced with rude coworkers that never took the time to get to know me. My mother taught me that not everyone will root for you in life. Opposing teams exist, and that’s okay. Find people in life that support you and lift you up, reciprocate that love, and you will live a life fulfilled.
I am thankful to have people in my life that help me see the positive side of life. Days are heavy sometimes, but as long as you have good friends and family around you, the heaviness doesn’t feel so bad.
I hope these quotes resonate with you and help you through any tough days that may be ahead, because they sure have helped me.