Looking for a New Place to Take Your Pup for a Walk?
If you are getting bored with the same old route you take every day to walk your dog, we've got the best five dog walking trails on the SouthCoast.
I came across this awesome list of 35 different local dog trails at SaveBuzzardsBay.org and it came at the perfect time.
Winter is winding down and spring is right around the corner. I can't wait to check out these new places with my girl Jessie. The folks at Save Buzzards Bay had this to say about the five I chose to highlight:
Smith Farm: This DNRT preserve is a quiet, relatively secluded destination with two miles of trails that you can enjoy with your dog under voice control. Plus, the horseshoe-shaped freshwater pond in the middle of the property is a fun spot for your dog to take a dip.
LaPalme Farm: Enjoy a mile of trails with your voice-controlled dog at this Coalition-owned property in Acushnet. Follow the path through a large field, and then continue into the forest for a quiet view of the Acushnet River, which flows just beyond the trees.
The Bogs: Explore miles of trails with your furry friend at this Coalition-owned property in Mattapoisett, which is a popular place for dog walkers and other outdoor enthusiasts. The 50 acres of cranberry bogs that stretch out in front of the property’s entrance are a great place to let your voice-controlled dog trot alongside you.
Horseshoe Mill: This Coalition-owned property, along with neighboring town-owned Birch Island Conservation Area, offers dog-walkers over an hour’s worth of hiking trails that wind through woodlands along the Weweantic River, Buzzards Bay’s largest freshwater river.
Cape Cod Canal Bikeway: This busy bike path is also a great place for leashed dogs and their humans to get some exercise. Stretching for 7 miles on the north side of the canal and 6.5 miles on the south side, you can walk for as long or short as you like. Just keep an eye out for other, faster users like cyclists and joggers.