Kool Kone vs Oxford Creamery: SouthCoast Sounds Off
Recently at a staff meeting, things got pretty heated when a lunch discussion came around to which as the better SouthCoast favorite: Kool Kone or Oxford Creamery. Rather than come to blows with our colleagues, we decided to put the question out to our audience.
We asked the public to tell us which place they would go to if they wanted fried clams, a lobster roll, and an ice cream cone. We got flooded with responses for both, but in the end, there was one clear winner.
It's important to note that when tallying votes, we took into account only when a person had made a clear-cut decision between the two. If someone replied "I like both" or "I got to Kool Kone for food and Oxford for ice cream," for example, their vote was not included in the tally.
On WBSM's Facebook page, it was a relatively close battle. On Fun 107's page, though, Kool Kone won by a 3-to-1 margin.
Kool Kone - 72%
Oxford Creamery - 28%
Kool Kone - 61% votes
Oxford Creamery 39%
Kool Kone - 76%
Oxford Creamery - 24%
The voting didn't put to rest the most pressing Kool Kone question, though: Why they have separate lines for ice cream and food?