Is That Drugs On Scott Reiniche’s Desk?
Do you want people's heads to turn? Then bring in a bag that looks like this and leave it out on your desk. So what is it?
I was at Vinfen's 2nd Annual Health Fair this past Saturday, and I finally got a chance to talk to a few heath experts about some good things to eat for some great health benefits, but when I brought my "stash" of vitamins to work, Larry, Neal, and BJ thought I was dealing drugs out of my office.
Its actually a product called "Mila" and its supposed to be very good for you. Just sprinkle it on some food or pour it in your drink of choice, and that's it. So, I brought it into work in a plastic bag. Thus the confusion! Has anyone ever used this product before? I hope I'm not wasting my money. I did some research and found the typical feedback on anything related to health. Some think its wonderful, others think its a scam.