It's not an actual recall but definitely an alert and warning from Fisher Price you should know about.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Fisher-Price are warning consumers about the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play after reports of death when infants roll over in the baby seat. According to medical research, infants typically begin rollover around the three-month mark.  The CPSC is aware of 10 infant deaths in the Rock ‘n Play that have happened since 2015, after the infants rolled from their back to their stomach or side, while unrestrained. All 10 infants were three months or older.

Because deaths continue to occur, CPSC is recommending consumers stop use of the product by three months of age, or as soon as an infant has the ability to rollover. The CPSC has previously warned consumers to use restraints in infant inclined sleep products.

CPSC Alert
CPSC Alert

CPSC and Fisher-Price remind consumers to create a safe sleep environment for infants, whether using a crib, bassinet, play yard, or inclined sleeper. You should never add blankets, pillows, stuffed toys, or other items to the environment and always place infants to sleep on their backs.

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