How much do YOU know about Essential Oils?

I bet you didn't know that they were harmful to your pets... especially cats! According to, when fact-checking the truth about the effects of household oils such as eucalyptus and lavender can become extremely harmful if not fatal towards cats.

Nik Merkulov

The search for the ugly truth that sparked a curiosity health factor between cats and common household products emerged when a Michigan woman by the name of Sue Murray posted about how she accidentally poisoned her cat, Ernie. Murray stated in her long post the following:

"I unknowingly have been poisoning him since Christmas and feel the need to warn everyone who might be unaware of the toxicity of essential oils. I bought a 'diffuser' and a set of essential oils from Amazon." -Murray

Although such oils such as the ones Murray was using helped her with congested nose and head cold, little did she know it was slowly killing Ernie. So, if you have purchased this hot commodity from Amazon over the holidays for yourself or for others, please keep in mind if you or someone else has pets (especially cats) that could be breathing in the toxins from the oils.

Having cats myself, I worry about the little things such as what they're eating and making sure they always have a washed clean bowl (so that no bacteria builds up in it), but never would I have imagined something such as an essential oil 'diffuser' to bring about illness to my fur babies.

Stories like Murray's hit way too close to home and I couldn't even imagine going through the worry adn stress her and family went through when their family pet got sick from a Christmas present... really makes you think.

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