Wedding Dress Found In Fairhaven. Is It Yours?
A Fairhaven resident has found a wedding dress while doing renovations in her home. She is looking for the owner.
While remodeling her upstairs, Marissa Garcia stumbled upon a vintage wedding dress in her crawl space. From what she can tell, the dress got preserved in 1994 under the last name "Rock". She reached out to me thinking that it could be mine, but I wasn't yet living down here in 1994. Garcia doesn't want to just throw away the dress, so she turned to Facebook to see if anyone knew any Rocks that got married about 25 years ago. If anyone knows who this dress belongs to, please tell Marissa so she can return the dress to it's rightful owner.
I know there is a big family of Rocks in Fairhaven. There's also the Rocks from the Rock Funeral Home in New Bedford. There are a number of Rocks that this wedding dress could belong to. If you know any Rocks, please share this on your Facebook page. It looks like the wedding dress was preserved pretty well, so the person who went to the trouble of preserving it probably had intentions of having it worn again. Maybe it could be passed down to another generation?
Additional Reporting By Abigail Pelissier