Watch Mookie Betts’ Miss a Catch During Mid-Game Interview
We've all seen mid-inning interviews with team managers on ESPN Sunday Night Baseball. I love them. It's fun to have access to their insight while the game is in progress. But, I've never seen players interviewed while the game is actually happening.
During their final preseason spring training game, Mookie Betts was the subject of an ESPN mid-game interview. During his conversation with ESPN, Kris Bryant of the Cubs slammed a double right over his head. Mookie even cracked a joke on his way after the ball, saying "I ain't getting this one, boys", leaving the ESPN booth laughing. You can watch the hilarious moment below.
While this would never happen during a regular season game, I have to admit I'd love to see it. These are the types of things baseball needs to do to win back young fans who are bored with the slow pace of the old-fashioned game. Mic'ing up players and managers and playing it back during the game might be a less invasive way to achieve something similar.