Wareham Superintendent Speaks Out on 2 Student Threats this Week
Wareham Schools Superintendent, Dr. Kimberly Shaver-Hood addressed concerns surrounding the 2 separate threats from students this past week at Wareham High.
She posted her statement on the Wareham Public Schools website on Friday evening.
It reads,
Dear Wareham Families,
During the past week, two students enrolled at Wareham High School, chose to make comments referencing shooting in the school. In both situations the prompt action by teachers, Deans, Administration, and the School Resource Officer, resulted in the students being promptly removed from school and arrested. At no time did the students possess any weapons, nor does it appear that either had immediate access to weapons. On both occasions, information informing the public was placed on our website, as presenting the community with accurate and timely information, within the scope allowed by law, is important to us.
Maintaining student and staff safety is our number one priority. It is imperative for our students to understand that should they choose to make either direct statements or ones alluding to compromising the security of our students and staff, they will be removed from school, arrested, and charged with making terrorist threats. I strongly urge you to have a conversation with your child regarding the seriousness of making such remarks and the life-altering consequences which will follow.
I understand at times students may make statements joking around with peers, out of frustration, or that such remarks may be a “plead for help.” I would ask you to urge your child to seek advice and help from, a parent, a school counselor or social worker, a teacher or administrator, or a trusted adult, as such actions as witnessed this week will likely have long-term consequences for both the students involved and for their families.
Again, I appreciate the prompt actions demonstrated by our facility and Administration at Wareham High School, our School Resource Officer, Chief Kevin Walsh and the Wareham Police Department.
Dr. Shaver-Hood