Unsung Southcoast Hero: Winter Weather Cancellation List Updater
Most people don't think twice about the poor soul who is staying up all day and night to update the local cancellation list each time there's a storm- but we do.
The Winter Weather Cancellation List Updater works non-stop each storm to make sure you know the minute school is delayed, business close early and bingo is cancelled.
They patiently answer your online questions like, "Does Fairhaven have school today" after the Cancellation List already notes that ALL public schools in the Fairhaven district have been closed.
They let you know at 4am that "At this time, Voc still has school but we will post the updates as soon as we hear otherwise."
They field phone calls from kids pretending to be school principals who desperately need to cancel school for the day. Nice try, kids, but without the secret password, the Winter Weather Cancellation List Updater isn't going to add a thing.
Cheers to you, Winter Weather Cancellation List Updater. Without you answering every individual question, we may be forced to look things up on our own... and we hate that.