Three Sisters From Wareham Are Getting Ready to Shave Off Their Hair to Help Kids With Cancer
In case you're looking for something positive and uplifting today, I have just the story.
Over in Wareham, three sisters are getting ready to do something most people are nervous about doing, and that's shaving their heads. Veronica (30), Jasmine (34), and Sierra (28) Monteiro have agreed to partake in Buzz For Kids- a pediatric cancer charity where anyone can sign up and participate to help local kids who have been through the worst.
On Sunday, June 18th, the Moneiro sisters will be making their way over to Gillette Stadium in Foxborough to shave and donate their hair to children. Along the journey, the sisters have been raising money and are only a few hundred away from their $1,500 goal. Every penny will be donated to local foundations such as The Jimmy Fund, Hasbro Children's Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and Boston Children's Hospital.
After years of procrastinating, the sisters decided to take the leap of faith back in January and signed up online. From there, they began their fundraising campaign immediately.
I spoke with Veronica, the middle child of the trio, and she admits that shaving their heads is both exciting and nervous at the same time.
"Imagine what we looked like bald? We would joke to one another, but in the end, it's for the kids and means something dear to us," Veronica explained.
You see, this goes beyond helping local kids, as cancer has riddled the Monterio family in the past, even taking their father from them 10 years ago. He was young, passing away in his mid-50s.
"It started with melanoma at the bottom of his foot, then he went into remission for it, and unfortunately, cancer returned a couple of years later and took over the rest of his body," Veronica said.
The sisters have given back in the past any chance they can, including donating blood and plasma. However, Jasmine was unable to participate because she too had childhood cancer that infected her blood. Jasmine was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, or A.L.L. and thankfully she was cancer-free after only one year despite having to battle the lingering effects of chemotherapy a couple of years after her remission from A.L.L.
Buzzing her hair was something Jasmine could finally help with, but there was one more thing that was stirring up the sister's nerves.
"We're Native American, so cutting our hair in our heritage and tradition is something you just don't do, so as excited as we are, it's also terrifying," Veronica said, "At the end of the day, your hair grows back, and what gets cut is getting donated. So, if it means making a child comfortable in their skin and making them feel as though they can fit in without being made fun of, then it's all worth it in the end."
The donated hair will be made into wigs for the children who lost their hair to chemotherapeutic and cancer.
If you'd like to help the sisters achieve their goal so they can not only give back to the kids but also pay tribute to their father, here's the link to donate.
Dozens of celebrities and pro athletes have participated in this charity, but it's refreshing to see local women bringing awareness to a great cause. The Monteiro sisters will be bringing a professional photographer along for the ride to capture the thrilling yet bittersweet moments their hair gets buzzed off for kids.