This Company Is Bailing Out the Really, Really Little Guys in Your Neighborhood
Your neighborhood entrepreneur may have been affected by the pandemic, and like most of our Lemonade Day participants, many kids won't be able to have a stand this year because they cannot access safe alternatives. Many of these kids use their money to benefit the community, donating half if not all of their proceeds to local causes they care about.
Kids who planned on earning some extra money for themselves this year will have a harder time getting crowds to their stands because of social distancing, lack of yardsales, parades, and other summertime events that bring people out and about on a hot day.
Country Time Lemonade, who notoriously paid off fines for kid's who were penalized for setting up shop without a permit, is helping kids again with their "Littlest Bailout Relief Fund".
"We know this will be a rough summer for lemonade stands. And if the big guys are getting bailed out, why shouldn't we help the littlest entrepreneurs get the same treatment? That's why Country Time has created The Littlest Bailout. An economic relief program to help the smallest of small businesses: lemonade stands. Stimulus checks to help kids preserve the values of lemonade stands, honest work, and entrepreneurship while putting a little juice back into the economy."
To apply for Country Time Lemonade's Littlest Bail Out, fill out their relief check form here. Kids will be asked to submit an original 255 character essay describing “How would your child use their stimulus check* to juice the economy?” and upload a photo of your child's lemonade stand sign they were going to use but now can't.
We know so many kids who used our SouthCoast business partners to sell their products and earn money for themselves and their charities and hope their tiny bailout encourages them to keep being their own boss, even when life hands you lemons.