What I'm about to tell you is a small little life hack that changes the game when going out to the bar or to eat at a restaurant.

Since it's restaurant week here at Fun 107, I figure it's a perfect opportunity to share with everyone a little trick of mine that I've been doing for years. Not only is it a healthier option, but it's tasty.

For anyone who orders water or a vodka tonic, have you ever tried adding Mio to it? The water additive is small but mighty and packs a punch of flavor in ever drop. I've been on my "hydrate game" for years now and after a while, water just becomes bland and tough to swallow (pun intended). I realized that adding my favorite flavors such as lemonade, berry-grape or strawberry-watermelon makes it so much easier to step it up a notch.

I for one enjoy a tall glass of Tito's and soda water, but I'm not the biggest fan of the taste of vodka; it's simply more of "healthier" alternative when hitting the town. This can be done with any water additive; you can use Crystal Light, or store brand product. I just choose the Mio since it has less sugar and calories in every squeeze.

As I was out to eat the other night, I was sitting at the bar as I prefer it over a booth. I looked over to my left and noticed a bottle of Mio by someone's purse.

"I thought I was the only one who brought their own additive?" I told the nice lady.

"I can't go anywhere without it, I add it to my drinks," she replied.

So there you go, my secret life hack to making drinks, whether it's just water or liquor, a little tastier on a healthier spectrum.

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