Tell Us How You’d Spend Your Spring Ca-Ching $10,000
As we get ready to launch our new contest, we're wondering how you would spend $10,000 in cash? Simply open up the Fun 107 app, then hit the "Send Audio/Video" button at the center of the screen. Tell us your name and town, then daydream with us about how you'd spend the money!
In case you missed it, we had a big announcement this morning on Michael and Maddie. One of the most popular contests in Fun 107's history is making a comeback, this time with a spring twist.
Beginning Monday morning, Michael and Maddie will announce the first Spring Ca-Ching Cash Code. Every weekday, we'll announce a brand new Spring Ca-Ching Cash Code between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. When you hear us announce it, open up the Fun 107 app, then hit the "Cash Code" button in the center of the app's home screen.
We'll give you an hour to enter the latest Spring Ca-Ching $10,000 Cash Code before we announce the next one. That means 10 chances a day to win $10,000!
Give yourself the best chance of winning by downloading the latest, greatest version of the Fun 107 app, and have some fun with us by sharing how you'd spend the money.
Personally, it's no secret that my kids view me as Clark Griswold when it comes to vacations. I'd love nothing more than to use a $10,000 cash prize from Fun 107 to rent an RV and travel across the country for two or even three weeks this summer. I'd force my family to pretend to enjoy all the things I make them see.