
10 Boston Area Phrases Out-Of-Towners Just Don't Understand
10 Boston Area Phrases Out-Of-Towners Just Don't Understand
10 Boston Area Phrases Out-Of-Towners Just Don't Understand
When I first moved to Western Massachusetts, the looks I would get when I said phrases that are strictly Boston based was amazing. It's like some of the following were foreign to anyone west of Springfield. Here Are 10 Definite 'Boston Area' Phrases Massachusetts People Know 1...
Um Vs Uh…How Where You Live Affects What You Say
Um Vs Uh…How Where You Live Affects What You Say
Um Vs Uh…How Where You Live Affects What You Say
We all use some sort of filler word when speaking. Whether you're nervous, forgot what you wanted to say or just need your brain to catch up with your mouth something comes out to buy you time. And apparently where you live can change what that something is.