Fun from the FutureFun from the FutureThe Fun 107 crew came back to 2019 to let us know if things are really better in 2079.JacksonJackson
WWJD? [Episode 6]- The Dead DeerWWJD? [Episode 6]- The Dead DeerEpisode 6 came just in time for Lent.GazelleGazelle
WWJD? [Episode 5]- The SnowballWWJD? [Episode 5]- The SnowballI pray Karma comes back around to this one.GazelleGazelle
WWJD? [Episode 4]- Taco Bell FriesWWJD? [Episode 4]- Taco Bell FriesHave you heard the good word at Taco Bell?GazelleGazelle
WWJD? [Episode 3]- The Ice Cream SituationWWJD? [Episode 3]- The Ice Cream SituationI scream, you scream, we all screamed... when I ran out of Acushnet Creamery Ice Cream.GazelleGazelle
WWJD? [Episode 1]- Spin ClassWWJD? [Episode 1]- Spin ClassThere's nothing worse than forgetting something valuable or important at home.GazelleGazelle