The Massachusetts Department of Transportation will be implementing temporary traffic control operations near Brayton Point on the morning of April 27.
With Dartmouth's town election a month away, the Police Station Committee held their final presentation Monday night for a joint Select Board/Finance Committee meeting.
Project officials discussed the overall project, and changes made since hearing from residents...
The summer playground everybody loves is going away, very very slowly, but it is. You love the beaches in the summer, here is what winter and storms do to our home.
Have you seen the old Wood School in Fairhaven, lately? If not, you'd better see it soon...or you'll never see it again. Work crews are feverishly knocking it to the ground in order to build a new, state of the art, 24 million dollar school (15 million dollars of the tab will be picked up by the state....9 million by Fairhaven taxpayers). The timetable? An aggressive 13 months start to finish.