Fall River Gets Funds To Demolish Dam
The City of Fall River is receiving state funds to tear down the Rattlesnake Brook Dam.
The Baker-Polito Administration announced on Wednesday that a $119,853 grant was awarded to remove the dam which is owned by the city's Water Department and is located in Freetown.
Officials say the dam is in unsafe condition and has created a downstream situation where there are multiple unmanaged stream channels and that there is currently no operational way to control water level.
There has been a partial breach reported.
By removing the dam officials say a more stable downstream channel configuration will be created that will protect Narrows Rd. which is 500 feet below the dam.
In addition the demolition will also naturalize stream processes and open the brook to migration to trout from Assonet Bay for miles upstream to the coldwater habitat in the upper watershed.
The grant is part of a $10 million award program funded by the Dam and Seawall Repair or Removal Fund and the Governor’s annual capital budget to "assist communities and groups across the Commonwealth in addressing deteriorating dams and refurbishing critical coastal infrastructure."