Social Media Is Hurting Friendships Everywhere
This morning on the Rock and Fox Show, the topic of what's going on with Facebook's timeline algorithm came up – unlike your friend's most recent post.
For a while now, I have not been seeing my friends' most recent posts on my Facebook feed. The issue has also affected the pages I follow. I feel that it has made me look like a bad friend for not liking their most recent posts. And that is totally not me.
Sometimes posts from pages that I follow will show up at the top of my timeline but they would be dated from days ago. Michael agrees and says that he has also noticed the change in his timeline.
Abby, our social media expert and new intern here on the Rock and Fox Show, did some investigating and this is what she came up with: as of right now, the posts that users are shown first are ones that Facebook thinks that they will interact with more, and they are not showing posts in chronological order.
This issue has been noticed by many Facebook users and there is a quick way to fix it: on the desktop view, to the left, there is a "News Feed" tab. There, users can select "Most Recent" to see recent posts. Unfortunately, this is only a 24-hour temporary fix.
Another way for users to have more control over who shows up first on their timeline is to go to back to the "News Feed" tab on the desktop view, select "Edit Preferences," and from there users have the option to prioritize who they see, unfollow people and groups, and other timeline management options. Under the prioritize option, users can select up to 30 people or pages to see first on their timeline.
Hope that helps!