Morning Mindbenders: Week of 10/1
If you missed the Morning Mindbenders this week, we've got the answers here.
Monday: 23% of managers say this is a deal breaker in an interview…
A. weak handshake
Tuesday: According to a survey, couples are happier if they have this trait…
A. height - taller men, shorter women
Wednesday: 90% of women say doing this on a date is a great sign…
A. their date turns off their phone
Thursday: Servers are 20% more likely to get a bigger tip if they do this…
A. draw a smiley face on the check
Friday: WE RAN OUT OF TIME! Because we were busy giving away money with CASH CALL!
Tune in every day at 7:10 for the Morning Mindbenders with Michael, Abby & Gazelle!