More Live Action Disney Movies
With the popularity of Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp and Malecificent starring Angelina Jolie, Disney is giving the green light to more live action versions of your favorite animated movies. So what will be made next?
As I learned from Mandi Salerno over at Pop Crush today, Disney's got several live action movies ready to go, including a Cinderella film due out next year that stars Cate Blanchett as the evil stepmother, Lily James of Downtown Abbey as Cinderella and Game of Thrones actor Robert Madden as her Prince Charming. (Love all of that casting!)
And now with the news that Beauty and the Beast will get the same live action treatment, I really hope this movie's casting is just as good. So I had a few suggestions to folks behind the film...
I'm pretty sure there will be some CGI for this movie, especially since there are talking candelabras and teapots in this one, but for the actual people parts here are my thoughts.
- Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images
Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images 1Belle
After her outfit at the Met Gala this year, how could anybody else be on my mind! Plus Katie is all about the singing and dancing these days, so taking on the role of Belle could be the perfect way to bring her Broadway success to the big screen!
- Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images
Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images 2The Beast
I loved Jason Mamoa as Kal Drogo in Game of Thrones! He was big and strong and didn't have much to say, which leads me to believe he'd be a great Beast. Obviously some makeup would have to be involved, but he certainly has the build for it!
- Jason Merritt/Getty Images
Jason Merritt/Getty Images 3Gaston
He is the beefy bad guy, that ladies can't seem to help but love. Who else comes to mind but Joe Manganiello! I have no idea if this guy can sing or not, but who cares?!? He'll look great, that's for sure.
- Jason Kempin/Getty Images
Jason Kempin/Getty Images 4Maurice
Belle's adorable dad can't be left out! He can sing, he can act and he is always a delight...Dick Van Dyke would be my choice to play Maurice. And with his previous Disney work, I'm sure they could make that happen easily!
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