Sugarhill Gang Coming to New Bedford
They are on the road celebrating the 40th anniversary of Rapper's Delight and they've got a stop in New Bedford this spring.
If you have not checked out some of the live music shows coming through The Vault at Greasy Luck Brewpub in New Bedford, then I am afraid you are missing out.
Awesome acts are on the schedule all the time, typically with a rock lean, but always with plenty of nostalgia.
And now a tour that is all about the nostalgia is rolling through in April and rap fans are going to want to be there.
The Sugarhill Gang along with Furious 5's Grandmaster Mele Mel & Scorpio are on the road with the Rapper's Delight 40th Anniversary Tour and on Saturday April 18th they are in The Vault.
These are legendary hip hop artists and you will have the chance to see them right in our own backyard.
Sure it's not the original Sugarhill Gang lineup (that would be impossible with the passing of Big Bank Hank in 2014), but it will be all the original songs and perhaps even some of the original gold chains.
And though I know it's the Rapper's Delight tour, personally I'd be there just to hear Apache live.
Tickets for the show are on sale now for $30 general admission and $40 early general admission.
Either way you go that sounds super reasonable to see this legendary act perform live and celebrate the 40th anniversary of the song that put them on the map.