Mookie Betts Wins America Tacos, Again
For the second time in his career, former Red Sox star Mookie Betts is a real American hero. Judging from the look on his face, he knew exactly what he did right after it happened.
Taco Bell has really come up with a winning promotion. The best ones are always simple. If a player steals a base in the World Series, Taco Bell gives away free tacos to everyone.
Taco Bell really can't lose. Considering the fact that stolen bases in a World Series are not exactly a strange occurrence, they are almost guaranteed that a player will do it at some point over the course of four to seven games.
Even if a player doesn't steal a base, that would almost make it bigger news. Not only would it be strange to have a World Series without a stolen base, but it would mean that Taco Bell wouldn't have to part with any free tacos, and the PR would probably be even more widespread.
Some interesting facts from Taco Bell about their World Series promotion:
– A whopping six out of eight taco heroes have gone on to win the World Series. It worked for Mookie and the Red Sox two years ago. Could it work for him and the Dodgers again?
– Of those, 75 percent of the taco heroes came from the American League. So much for National League small ball!
– Every single taco-winning stolen base has been to second base, including last night's.
America will be able to cash in on the free taco offer one week from today, on October 28. You'll need the Taco Bell app to do it.