Johnny Manziel Parties In Boston
There seems to be an endless supply of ladies for Johnny Football, but I'm sorry...I just don't get it.
The newly drafted Cleveland Browns quarterback seems to be partying from coast to coast with the likes of Justin Bieber and Floyd Mayweather in California to NFL players Bryan Braman and Joe Vellano in Boston. And everywhere he goes, there are lots of ladies.
After taking in the Red Sox game at Fenway last night, TMZ reports that Manziel rolled up to the Beantown speakeasy/nightclub Storyville with a bevy of blondes.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't get his appeal. Ladies seem to fall over over him ever since his college days, but Johnny Football just doesn't do it for me. I guess I get the idea of hot chicks digging him for his money, that sort of thing happens every day, but it's not for me.
So if you ran into Johnny Football in Boston, would you fall all over him? Would spending a night clubbing with the Browns quarterback really be that appealing?