If You’re Having a Bad Day, You Might Want to Read This
Every day I strive to the very best that I can be, all while avoiding failure.
Monday through Friday, I open my eyes to the blistering, piercing sound of my alarm clock. It’s ironic that to start the day, one must be awoken by such annoyance. That right there is the first struggle and the very first obstacle. Once I am able to bypass the dreadful idea of removing myself from a place of comfort and warmth, only then have I conquered the first obstacle. Most of the time a morning shower will revitalize me.
I repeat: I have many weaknesses, I am not Superman.
More times than not will I encounter a struggle or a flaw in the road to success. As much as it may beat me down, I understand and have come to terms with the fact that I can overpower the tough times. Want to know my secret? It’s one simple sentence: pain is temporary.
So here’s my advice: keep moving forward, keep pressing on.
If you fall down, get up. It may hurt and you very well be winded, but I need you, no – I WANT you to stand up and stand tall. Look whatever negativity that is trying to keep you down in the face and stand your ground. Allow yourself to channel your fear and emotion and use it to your advantage. YOU are better than you know and YOU were born with the ability to overcome anything you set your mind to.
I have my weaknesses, I have come to terms with this fact. The only difference is that I use it to my advantage. If I am scared, I close my eyes. If I am heartbroken, I go to the gym. If I am physically or mentally hurt, as long as I am still breathing, I know that everything is going to be alright. Once again, pain is temporary. You can do anything that you want once you realize this.
We were made to bleed, we were meant to fall. This is just the way of the universe.
Control who you want to become and only then will you defeat your demons.
Lastly, if you can remind yourself to think outside of the box as much as you can, then you will soon see that doors that were once impossible to open will free themselves from their rusted locks of impossibility. Walk in someone else's shoes, allow yourself to see through the eyes of your competition. Open your thoughts to the world and be who YOU want to be. Only then will you free yourself from failure. Only then will you break through the plateau that has held you back from greatness.
Seize the day and all aspects that surround you. Listen to your heart and free your mind.
Escape from the single mentality that has bound you from persevering. Be free and dance to a drumbeat that you may not have thought to dance to. Live your life and don’t EVER let anyone live it for you. You are your own entity; you were born for a reason. Seize the day and make it the best you can. Seize the day and live your life to the fullest. Seize the day and smile, for you are more than you will ever realize and once you have realized that, and only then will you be free.
I believe in you just as much as I believe in myself. I only ask that when you open your eyes for the first time in the morning that you become as strong as you can and keep moving forward.
Seize the day.