Ellen Degeneres is usually not the type to read things about herself in tabloids and things of that nature, but she did read and respond to this one.

A pastor named Larry Tomczak had this to say about Ellen: "Ellen Degeneres celebrates her lesbianism and "marriage" in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls."  Um.  Ok.  What does that even mean?  I don't exactly get what he means by "celebrating her lesbianism"...I think she's just a regular person, who just happens to be famous, and happens to be a lesbian...and even if she was 'celebrating' her sexuality, who cares?  Who's business is it anyway?  Then, he puts 'marriage' in quotes...whatever that's all about...well, she addressed it and her response was pretty great.

First of all, she sets the record straight by saying she's not "MARRIED", but just married...no need for the quotes...just like any other married person in the world, just married!

Ellen Degeneres celebrates her lesbianism and "marriage" in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.

Then goes on to say that she doesn't have an agenda...she just wants people to be kind to one another, and be who they are.  It's as simple as that!

She does joke around with her response towards the end and has a hypnotizing prop that she spins around and tells the audience to listen to her voice carefully, because she wants them to live their lives and be exactly who they are.  She adds, "The most important thing is to be true to yourself."  Right on Ellen!

Check out the video for yourself, here

TheEllenShow via YouTube
TheEllenShow via YouTube


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