You Could Pay Way Less To Go To The Movies
A MoviePass Plan could save your wallet if you're a big time movie goer.
As someone who spends entirely too much money on the movies and too many snacks, this sounds fantastic!
According to Newser, startup company "MoviePass," is dropping it's monthly fee from $21 to $9.95. If you don't know what MoviePass is, it basically is now becoming a subscription plan that allows you to pay one monthly fee to see a movie a day at the theater. That monthly price of $9.95 will end up being less than a regular movie ticket costs at most theaters!
It's not totally a lock yet though. Apparently according to the report AMC is planning to sue MoviePass because the cheaper subscription is unsustainable.
All I know is that if this sticks I'm going to see SOOOOO many more movies at the theater and I'm all for that!