Working with Co-Workers Again for the First Time in 10 Weeks
As we slowly progress to get our lives back to the way they use to be, I can't help but worry about being around people again.
For the past 10 weeks, I've been alone, by myself, in a small radio studio.
Before the coronavirus, I would always start my day off with Michael Rock and Christine Fox and as the morning went on, more people would fill up the office. Some of us begin our shifts at 4:30 a.m. and some of us begin at 8 or 9 a.m., so there's always a different amount of people in the office at all times.
I have to admit, when I was on my own, it was somewhat peaceful – no offense, Michael and Christine. There was only a small skeletal crew the entire time the quarantine was in full effect, so I was used to the same faces on the daily who, like me, were very cautious and practiced proper hand washing and social distancing etiquette.
Now that the flood gates are slowly starting to open back up again, I worry that the hard work I spent keeping the office immaculately clean and germ-free is going to end up right out the window.
COVID-19 is not a virus of the past; it still exists and could potentially be all around us.
Yes, the human contact and face-to-face interaction is pleasant and was missed, but I've adapted to being the "lone soldier" at Fun 107. Was it more work than I intended? You bet your sweet biscuits it was, but it was a job that I was trusted with and a job I enjoyed taking by the reigns.
Most people I talked to had no clue that The Rock and Fox Show was actually broadcasting from the safety of their homes, and to me, that was the ultimate compliment. It means I did my job to the fullest potential and succeeded.
All in all, am I glad that my co-workers are returning back to the station? I suppose as long as we remain socially distant and continue to keep the facility disinfected, then yes, it will be nice to see the old familiar faces I've worked side by side with for the past 10 years.