Tired of your boring job? Need something exciting in your life? Apply to join Fun 107's Street Team, you'll be glad you did!

Fun 107 is looking for new members of our Street Team to help work promotional events throughout the Southcoast. Are you 21+ with a clean driving record? Send us your resume! Or if you need some extra convincing, here's what a job with Fun 107 will get you:


  1. A foot in the door- Fun 107's Street Team has been the first step for many of our current staff. Even Michael Rock saw his first shifts for the station as a Street Team member.
  2. A name on the guest list- Our Street Team is on location for all the major events on the Southcoast. Be part of the crowd, or help make the experience unforgettable all while getting paid!
  3. A full stomach- We guarantee you will not go a work day without leaving with a full stomach. Indulge in the flavors that make the Southcoast so great.
  4. A special experience- It's safe to say that working with us out of the ordinary. One shift you may be asked to stand on the street corner holding a sign while the next day your lending your voice for a commercial about hamburgers.
  5. A playlist perfect for summer- Stay up to date with all the best music and entertainment. When it's your turn on the AUX cord you won't know where to begin


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