What Costumes Shouldn’t Be Sexy
The new trend seems to be taking the ordinary and making it promiscuous, but that doesn't mean there aren't some costumes that should be left alone.
One of the toughest decisions of the year is what to dress for when Halloween weekend rolls around. How can you get the perfect costume while still ensuring no one else is going to be dressed like you are? Most people think the loophole is to just take an ordinary costume and make it "sexy" one way or another. Although there is a difference between dressing up as a garbageman and a "sexy" garbageman, is trashy trash really a good look?
To save you some time, we've compiled a blacklist of costumes that should never have a "sexy" counterpart.
"Sexy" Politician - Whether you choose Hillary, Trump, or Honest Abe keep your sex appeal out of the White House
"Sexy" Baby/ "Sexy" Toddler" - For the same reason it's weird to call your boyfriend "daddy" it's just unsettling to try to make a young child appealing.
"Sexy" Michael Rock - If you're looking for a way to get left outside of Monster Mash before it begins, try dressing up as a provocative version of your favorite morning show host.
"Sexy" Harambe - There's better ways to show respect to the sacrifice Harambe made for us than dressing up as a sexy gorilla.
"Sexy" Troll - Whether you're a troll doll or an internet troll, all that hair just doesn't lead to a sexy outcome...
"Sexy" Colin Kaepernick - Everyone is attracted to a bad boy at one point in their lives, but stay way from this controversial costume idea.
"Sexy" Pokemon Go Trainer - Sometimes nothing is more unattractive than someone with their face buried in their phone, so no matter how hard you try this costume just won't work.