Weird Places to Drink Anheuser-Busch Water
Don't get alarmed if you see Marion Fire Department firefighters walking around with Anheuser-Busch cans on the job. The beer company has made a generous donation to the fire department to help battle dehydration while fighting fires and conducting training drills.
After reading Jackson's article about the donation last night, I thought it was a wonderful idea.
You may or may not know that Anheuser-Busch distributes cans of water to first responders all over America. This includes the 288 cases of Anheuser-Busch water that was shipped to Marion for the firefighters.
It got me thinking, though. I really want to get my hands on a case of this water so that I could have some fun.
For example, how weird would it be if I brought a few cans to Crossfit Dartmouth and just started chugging them in the middle of the WOD? I bet I'd get a few looks.
What if I gave a six-pack to my 12-year-old son? He could bring them into school for lunch, maybe share a few at the peanut-free table?
Wouldn't it be a strange site to drive down 195 chugging the Anheuser-Busch water? If you get pulled over by the police, you could offer one of the refreshing waters to the officer.
I think drinking the cans of water would be frowned upon while Mass is actually in session at church, but you might be able to get away with cracking open a can at coffee hour after Mass is over. Anheuser-Busch water and donuts. How can you go wrong?