Top Five Thanksgiving Movies to Binge Watch This Holiday
Thanksgiving seems to get overlooked in most categories. Many people rush right from Halloween to Christmas with their decorations, lights and even movies.
There are of course plenty of films to watch around Halloween and Christmas movies galore (thank you Hallmark Channel), but what about Thanksgiving? What do you watch when you just want to settle in after a belly-filling turkey dinner?
We have a few suggestions.
Not everyone is into football. For my young kids, watch game after game can be torture so at some point on Thanksgiving you gotta mix it up. Or maybe you want a relaxing night before Thanksgiving with a little something festive on the TV.
So what do you watch?
Believe it or not there are a few Thanksgiving movies out there. The Peanuts of course had their special and several comedies centering around "Friendsgiving" get-togethers have dropped in recent years, so searching your favorite streaming channel will probably turn up something.
However we thought a list was in order (aren't they always) and came up with a quick top five Thanksgiving movies, with something for everyone in the family.
So whether its all about entertaining the kids, keeping the teens off their phones or settling in for the night after everyone else leaves, here's what we think are some of the best Thanksgiving-themed films to watch.