Tips For Safe Driving In Bad Weather
According to Chelsea Priest at ABC 6, the Southcoast won't see terrible effects from Jose, but we will experience some heavy rain as well as wind. That means driving in potential downpours as well as on water-logged roads in some areas. Here are some things to keep, in mind to keep you and your family safe while on the road, courtesy of
-Slow down. It takes longer to stop on wet roads, and your car may hydroplane at higher speeds.
-Headlights. Keep them on all day while it's raining or foggy.
-3 Second rule. Keep a safe distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you.
-Braking. Try to avoid using your breaks to slow down. Instead take your foot off the accelerator sooner.
-Stay Alert. Watch for break lights as well as objects like stopped cars and tree limbs in the road.
-Moving Water. Never drive through it. Flash floods of only a couple of feet deep can wash you car away.
These simple common sense thoughts while driving in the effects of Jose can save your life.