The Proper Way To Write A Best Man/Maid Of Honor Speech
Anyone who has ever had to do a "Best Man" or "Maid of Honor" Speech will tell you that it's no easy walk in the park.
Sometimes being asked to be the Best Man or the Maid of Honor comes with a lot of pressure. It's an absolute honor, but knowing that once the day of the wedding arrives you'll have to speak in front of the entire crowd may bring some uneasiness to some.
Personally, I have had the pleasure/honor to stand by both of my Best Friends, John and Ryan, as they celebrated their special day.... and of course I had to bring everything I had. Keep in mind though that if you're looking to leave an imprint on the big stage, you can't just throw anything together and expect the speech to come out smooth.
So at this point you're probably asking, "How did you do it?!"... Well, if you follow these guidelines, you can create an everlasting memory just like I did:
1.) Give Yourself Time Management:
Nothing rushed comes out perfect. Take a little pride in your speech, it's an open-letter about your relationship with the Bride or Groom and the years/memories you spent together. Since you've most likely spent a good chunk of your lives together, chances are you have a lot to say, so give yourself time to brainstorm. Waiting until the last minute will only bring stress.
2.) Jot Down the "Good Times" and the "Good Times" only:
I state that you should only mention the happy and positive memories in your speech for a reason. Nobody wants to be bogged down by unhappy memories of the past. Keep the speech uplifting and joyous. Remember that it's a day of celebration, not remorse or regret. Do your best to remember the things you both shared together and use it to your advantage. An unforgettable trip down memory lane will never go stale.
3.) Find your comfort zone:
Not just everyone can talk in front of a crowd, public speaking is difficult. Remember that your speech is mainly focused on the Bride and Groom (technically both), so turn towards them and give them your complete attention. Don't worry about the crowd as much, you're there to speak informally to whomever is getting married. After all, they're your friend for a reason or simply a family member who you're most likely comfortable in front of, so pretend as if it's just the three of you in the room. They'll appreciate it more.
4.) Use "Humor" to your advantage:
Often, if I find myself becoming nervous in front of crowds, both large and small, I will use humor to ease the tension. Get them to smile and not focus on any awkwardness you may be feeling. Jokes are corny, only use them in an emergency or desperate attempt to entertain. Instead, look back on the memories that made you laugh. Although the crowd may not understand the situation, remember that the speech is mainly intimate between you and the bride or groom.
5.) Be Original:
It is perfectly fine to research ideas for your speech, but do your best to make it your own if you're going to do so. For example, if you are musically-inclined... use that to your advantage and write a song or a parody perhaps, it adds to the entertainment aspect. If there's a famous quote or saying that ties into your relationship with whomever you're speech is aimed at, use it, but keep it short and sweet.
6.) Be Aware Of The Time:
There's a lot that happens on the day of a Wedding, so be courteous and don't take up too much time. Keep it to 5 Minutes or less, you'll keep the attention of the crowd and Bridal party longer and the venue/vendors will appreciate it as well seeing how dinner is most likely to follow i most situations. Always remember that less is more so do your best not to rattle on about one specific memory or reminiscent event that happened in your past.
7.) End It With A Bang:
This doesn't exactly mean you should have a pyrotechnic finish, it's simply a metaphor for a branding impression that will last forever. At this point, you've already invested a good amount of time and effort into your speech and preparation that it would be a waste to end it on a flat note. Wrap up your final thoughts into one sentence that will cue the applause. Never be afraid to say how you truly feel (positive thoughts only please!), it's sure to tug on the heart strings. Lastly, don't forget to raise your glass and offer a toast to health, wealth and happiness for years to come. Seal it with a hug and never forget to smile (the photographer is aiming right at you)!
Here's an example of a Best Man Speech I gave last year:
Here's the lyrics to the video above:
All this being said, don't forget to check out Fun 107's 26th Annual Bridal Show on January 29th, 2017 from 11:30 AM- 3:30 PM! Full details below: