Following Friday morning's wind storm, ABC 6 Meteorologist Nick Morganelli forecasts temperatures will drop causing flash freezing and treacherous roads.
The National Weather Service has just upgraded our area to a Tropical Storm Warning. This means tropical storm force winds of 45 miles per hour or greater are expected in the next 36 hours.
Because we were just getting used to the idea of a 45 degree January, we are being blessed with 6 -10 inches of snow all day Saturday, January 7th.
Chelsea Priest of ABC 6 News with the weather report that is giving us chills.
Plymouth County and the Cape with almost 10 inches...
Here’s the Southcoast weather update from ABC 6’s meteorologist Chelsea Priest. Rain likely on Saturday, could be heavy at times and a chance of a wintery mix on Sunday. Watch for the 7-day forecast.
ABC 6's Meteorologist Steve Cascione has your weekend forecast for the Southcoast.
Sun's out and temperatures hold steady and warmer days ahead. But don't forget to "spring" forward an hour Saturday night/Sunday morning for daylight savings...