
Selling Leaves
Selling Leaves
Selling Leaves
It's a regular thought I have each year as my back aches and the rake is gathering the leaves from my front lawn. I always wonder, "Why can't leaves be a sign of wealth? The more leaves on your front lawn...the more your lawn is worth." Well, my dreams may be coming true...
$30K of Heroin, $18K in Cash Seized in Wareham
$30K of Heroin, $18K in Cash Seized in Wareham
$30K of Heroin, $18K in Cash Seized in Wareham
WAREHAM - $30,000 Of heroin and over $18,000 in cash have been seized by Wareham Police. The Wareham Police Department says a months-long investigation led to the seizures and the arrests of 28-year-old Christine Quinn and 30-year-old Mario Ogletree, both of Wareham...
Win $1,000
Win $1,000
Win $1,000
It's always nice when you get some money back from your tax returns, a refund check from a business, or some cash as a gift on a special occasion. Let's be honest though, it's never enough. Somehow your plan for the money gets divided between things you need and things you want, and there isn't enough for either. What if you got a bonus chunk of money just because? Perhaps an extra $1,000? That wouldn't be too terrible, would it? Well, neither would be winning $1,000 with us.

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