Starting today, celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Big Mac by collecting some MacCoins!
McDonald's has announced that they are offering a new food currency in honor of the juicy burger's birthday. There will be 6.2 million MacCoins globally distributed, and five versions of the coin will represent the different decades of the Big Mac...
We as a country have reached the point where our obesity crisis is so bad, just regular fast food menu items aren't good enough for us anymore. No, we have to take greasy, calorie-filled burgers and sandwiches to an even greater level of ridiculous, and nothing clogs the arteries of our collective heart than a deep-fried Big Mac...
Went through the drive-thru recently and noticed something interesting. The Big King from Burger King is back. For years, McDonald's has been selling the Big Mac and now the 'battle of the burgers' continues.